
i draw a line through
the last name on my list
grateful for the moment that i’m done
arms filled with boxes –
hoping no one’s missed
did i get a gift for everyone?
unloading at my house
what i loaded in my car
picked from every shelf in every store
place them all around
the tree that holds the star –
the one that seems forgotten any more

scenes almost postcards
white with winter snow
made to order currier and ives
tree in the corner
with twinkling lights aglow
set memories forever in our lives
santa and reindeer and mangers
on our lawn
they shine their magic in the night
but we long to see
a sleigh before the dawn
and joy and hope appear at morning light

well i’ve never taken sleigh rides
dashing through the snow
but i have prayed through many
silent nights
i’ve caroled in the cold
and sang to folks i did not know
and strung my porch
with tiny colored lights
let me offer presents
to the child upon the hay
and hear his cries above the din
let me know that rudolph’s
at the front of santa’s sleigh
and let each day be christmas once again

we hear the silver bells
the little drummer boy
an elf takes our picture at the mall
there’s family to see and dinner to enjoy
and decorations hung from every wall
the mistletoe, the holly and the ivy
in their place
let christmas eve come our way
but we long to see the wonder in each face
when the world is born anew on christmas day

well i’ve never taken sleigh rides
dashing through the snow
but i have prayed through many
silent nights
i’ve caroled in the cold
and sang to folks i did not know
and strung my porch
with tiny colored lights
let me offer presents
to the child upon the hay
and hear his cries above the din
let me know that rudolph’s
at the front of santa’s sleigh
and let each day be christmas once again