  1. death row


two minutes after seven
handcuffs and a gown
warm shake cold hamburgers
a coke to wash it down
my last winston smoked in silence
as i stare off into space
my smoke rings disappear
i ask for mercy pray for grace

looking back without emotion
angry eyes on bloody hands
did i murder with intention
or just do what God had planned
mindless moments crimes of passion
those with no sin cast your blame
jury peers look down your noses
face the truth we’re all the same

i let my lawyer file my papers
i worked the system ten more years
he's the one that you provided
his conscience long since disappeared
call the gov'nor on the hotline
ask him now for one more stay
but not tonight it won't be coming
tell the reverend he can pray

let ‘em hear my final words
let ‘em show no sympathy
let ‘em watch thru one-way windows
let ‘em watch me on tv
but let me go and meet my maker
stand before him like a man
but lying still here like my victim
i end this tale as it began